Industrial Machinery and Equipment Industry

SYSPRO is a highly regarded ERP system for the Machinery and Equipment Industry. Its ability to manage the entire supply chain allows an integrated view of all operations, from production planning and scheduling to purchasing and invoicing.

SYSPRO is a highly regarded ERP system for the Machinery and Equipment Industry. Its ability to manage the entire supply chain allows an integrated view of all operations, from production planning and scheduling to purchasing and invoicing.



Engineering precision is a must in delivering highly complex and often custom products. Companies that manufacture industrial machinery can find it challenging to figure out how to get products to market faster while keeping costs down and minimising liability. Technological change keeps accelerating; machines have gotten faster, more powerful and more sophisticated. These are all challenges faced by manufacturers of Machinery and Equipment.



SYSPRO for Machinery and Equipment provides solutions to support lean manufacturing and cost efficiencies and enable responsiveness to global market fluctuations.



SYSPRO offers easy integration with computer-aided design and manufacturing systems (CAD and CAM) and permits full traceability through all transactions, reducing inventories and improving capacity utilisation.

SYSPRO’s Engineering Change Control module augments or eliminates the paper trail that traditionally accompanies product design data changes.

 SYSPRO Factory Scheduling facilitates the management of the supply chain, from planning and execution to identifying and remediating potential problems. 

SYSPRO Assets Register addresses the industry’s asset-intensive nature by providing planning and control tools for Capex expenditure and asset depreciation.

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SYSPRO’s extensive features foster the centralised management and control of the product design process. Simultaneously, its comprehensive security, customisation and multi-lingual capabilities enable you to provide tailored access to external collaborative partners worldwide.

Import facilities and SYSPRO solutions facilitate improved electronic collaboration with your customers to create customer-specified designs. Simultaneously, the Contact Management system provides a central area for recording and querying all communications regarding collaborative activities.


Multi-level bills of material for designs modelled on CAD systems can be imported into SYSPRO, thereby reducing double-entry and the margin for error and providing a solid basis for calculating costs and lead times for quoting to the customer. Other product-related data such as technical drawings can be imported and linked to the relevant products in SYSPRO. Photographs, video clips and other multimedia files can be attached and viewed on-demand.


SYSPRO’s powerful engineering change control features enable creating user-defined workflows to control the product development process and ensure electronic sign-off. Bill of Material component and routing changes and the impact on existing transactional data are controlled through paperless approval and authorisation mechanisms, including ECC event triggers, as defined by your organisation.

Your ability to harness e-Commerce technologies effectively has enormous potential to transform your business and enhance commercial success and growth.
Your customers and suppliers may look increasingly to closer collaboration, cut production timetables and minimise disruption to their supply chain. This could involve working via their electronic order and supply chain systems to streamline operations and reduce error margin. Multi-organisation research and design teams may need to work collaboratively, and to achieve this, you must have efficient, secure systems that can deliver and receive information.


SYSPRO facilitates streamlined, secure electronic data interchange and collaborative commerce through features such Document Flow Manager, Integration Framework, EDI, Office Automation and Messaging, SYSPRO Workflow Services and various Business-to-Business purchase and sales import and export functions. SYSPRO’s Web-based applications are out-the-box solutions that you can run on the Internet/Intranet and easily customise to suit end-user requirements.


Quick response times and accuracy in fulfilling orders is critical to your reputation in a diverse and demanding global market. Automated 24/7 customer order placement and acknowledgement are facilitated via SYSPRO’s Document Flow Manager and email. Also, SYSPRO’s Solutions enables the rapid development of mobile devices’ applications so that your sales force can check stock and place orders directly into SYSPRO while out visiting customers, thereby improving order turnaround time.


SYSPRO’s Solutions can be extended to integrate SYSPRO with other applications, such as shipping companies’ tracking systems, to determine customer orders’ shipping status. Also, Solutions facilitates the integration of SYSPRO with scanning and Smart technologies, thereby streamlining picking and packing processes and inventory stock takes.
If your customers include Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), you can import and easily reconcile vendor EDI releases using SYSPRO’s Blanket Sales Order module.

Efficient management of your receivables and mitigation of bad debt is essential to maintaining a healthy cash flow. SYSPRO’s powerful features can help you improve your credit management performance with reduced effort and maintain single-point communications with your customers.


Extensive order and invoice credit checking features enable flexible terms and controls to suit different customer categories. Ageing methods offered to include invoice date, invoice due date, statement date and aged statement date, and customer terms allow for various settlement discount options. Multi-currency invoice and payments are catered for, as well as the automation of finance and recurring charges.
Prompt electronic delivery of customer statements, invoices and copy invoices is facilitated through SYSPRO’s email and fax integration; documents can be transmitted directly from the point of extraction. User-defined stationery formats preclude the need for pre-printed stationery and enable customer documents in Word or secure PDF format. Additionally, you can allow customers to query your SYSPRO database directly for detailed account information via the Internet, with SYSPRO Office Integration or SYSPRO solutions.


The ‘Average Days to Pay’ calculation and extensive search, query and report features enable the quick and accurate assessment and targeted follow-up of customer debt. Rapid application of customer payments against a large number of outstanding invoices is efficiently handled using SYSPRO’s Payments and Adjustment functions, including the automatic payments application feature. Also, the time and effort to manage trade customer accruals, rebates and deductions are significantly reduced through the use of SYSPRO’s Trade Promotions and master/sub-account functionality.


SYSPRO helps to streamline the completion of account receivable month-end procedures significantly. The creation of workflow and checklists for routine and month-end procedures is made possible through SYSPRO’s customisable menus and Task Manager. The system’s multiperiod accounting enables operational continuity for the new period, reducing pressure on the receivables department to finalise the month’s transactions within a severely limited time frame. Also, SYSPRO Reporting Services provides the ability to automate scheduling and electronic storage of month-end reports ‘as run’, thereby precluding the need to supervise their production and printing.


SYSPRO’s standard Trial Balance and Credit Management reports can be supplemented by additional user-defined KPIs and reports using Report Writer or SYSPRO Reporting Services. Furthermore, you can configure SYSPRO’s powerful event management and customisation features to alert relevant personnel to certain conditions, such as accounts being overdue by a stated number of days, via email or on-screen field highlights.

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