SYSPRO can assist the Plastics and Rubber Industry with it’s digital transformation and journey towards Industry 4.0, adoption of Lean Manufacturing Practices and balancing of Inventory investment and customer service levels.
SYSPRO can assist the Plastics and Rubber Industry with it’s digital transformation and journey towards Industry 4.0, adoption of Lean Manufacturing Practices and balancing of Inventory investment and customer service levels.
SYSPRO can assist the Plastics and Rubber Industry with its digital transformation and journey towards Industry 4.0. This is based on its ability to adapt LEAN manufacturing practices, balance inventory investment with customer service level targets, factory automation, and real-time equipment control and tasks.
Even though plastics and rubber use is increasing worldwide, this is still a highly competitive industry experiencing serious challenges. For many companies, a significant challenge has been dealing with the effects of globalisation, which has led to lower industry growth as manufacturing flows to lower-cost locations. The response has been to diversify into other products and markets or identify niche areas such as producing higher-quality goods. Manufacturing modes range from make-to-order to mass production.
SYSPRO’s solutions for plastics and rubber are designed to complement and improve production efficiency, promote lean manufacturing, optimise cost management, and enhance revenues and profitability.
The integrity of SYSPRO software will give you the accuracy and confidence you need to maintain your competitive advantage.
Our modules provide full traceability for materials throughout the supply chain, from raw materials to the final phase, making it easy to adapt and respond to either continuous or batch process manufacturing. SYSPRO provides seamless integration with CAD and other high-tech processes and assists in balancing inventory levels, establishing appropriate pricing, and analysing customer and product portfolios.
That is why SYSPRO is a highly regarded ERP system in the plastics and rubber industry.
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Variable end-products are the result of regrading and unpredictable chemical processes. Using SYSPRO’s co-products and manufacturing inspection functionality, you can easily cost and capture the receipt of multiple products of varying grades from jobs originally planned for single-grade items.
Costs can be apportion between components and co-products according to a percentage breakdown of the total material, operation and sub-contract cost, or you can define percentages against specific operations and materials.
SYSPRO’s Work in Progress inspection system gives you the tools to record the inspection details of manufactured items and, depending on the results, select receipt, scrap or rework quantities. Units in inspection are visible but unavailable for use until accepted into stock. Within the inspection function, you can capture detailed records of counts, inspection, scrap, rework and stock receipts.
Inspection items can be receipted as the original product to manufacture or as a different product or products, which is useful for end-products of a variable grade. Also, you can receive items into a warehouse other than what was initially planned.
From enabling the identification and tracking of non-value adding activities inherent in your current operational processes to the automation of manual processes, SYSPRO’s powerful functionality provides you with the tools to implement your LEAN initiatives. Its integrated nature and ease-of-use facilitate the effortless extraction of financial and operational information required for Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
Keeping inventory levels and obsolescence to a minimum while continuing to offer superior customer service entails achieving the right product mix, as well as the continual balancing of supply and demand. Understanding and tracking the relevant measures of risk that impact the balance is critical for reducing stocks, improving availability and increasing turnover.
Through the powerful tools in the Inventory Optimisation suite of modules, SYSPRO enables you to understand and quantify your risk profile, thereby assisting you in reducing your safety stocks and free up working capital without compromising your reputation as a reliable supplier in the marketplace.
Key elements that drive inventory across the supply chain are coordinated, tracked and controlled to optimise inventory. The formal analysis of slow-moving, excess, active and static stocks enables targeted promotional and product rationalisation programs, as well as accurate obsolescence provisioning. Further benefits include improved warehouse utilisation and fewer headaches for the procurement and production scheduling teams.
The Families and Groupings and Forecasting modules enable you to minimise forecast error and manage seasonality, thereby improving order fulfilment performance. This functionality is complemented by features such as available-to-promise and various time fence indicators, which give sales and production staff a reliable view of what they can promise to customers and when.
SYSPRO’s Material Requirements Planning gives you clear visibility to the integrated effect of current and future supply and demand within the constraints set by Inventory Optimization. This visibility enables you to make better purchasing and production decisions and reduce excess and obsolete inventories. The inclusion of supply and demand sources is configurable, and various reports and related review programs enable easy identification of potential oversupplies and seamless execution of suggested actions. Order policies by stock code at the warehouse level allow you to implement lot-sizing rules for purchased and manufactured items.
Standard reports such as the Inventory Exception and the MRP Potential Oversupplies reports help you identify excess inventories and possible problems with your lot-sizing techniques.
In make-to-order environments, where a full material requirements planning run may not be required, features such as Advanced Trial Kitting provide full visibility to replenishment requirements for multi or single-level jobs. The purchase order to job link enables purchased or subcontracted materials to be receipted directly into specific jobs.